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Reception / Derbyn

Welcome to Spring term in Reception Class! 


Croeso i dosbarth derbyn!

Gyda Miss Thomas, Mrs Imran, Miss Wyatt and Mrs Qasim




Key Information 


Attendance and Punctuality
It is very important to attend school every day. If your child is going to be absent please inform the office ASAP. School starts at 8:55am and finishes as 3:00pm.


Pick up and Drop off
Our door will be open from 8:45am and children can be dropped off from then.

If a friend or family member is going to be collecting your child please inform the office or class teacher.


Uniform and Clothing
Please wear school uniform every day. You can purchase Stacey Primary branded uniform from the office or from Brigade:


P.E. days are Mondays and Thursdays, please send your child into school wearing black comfortable trousers like leggings, shorts or tracksuit bottoms, trainers and their regular school polo and jumpers. 


We ask for a contribution of £1 every Monday for a healthy snack for your child, alternatively you can pay £7 for entire the half term.  


Homework will be set on a Thursday via the SeeSaw App. Please complete and upload by the following Tuesday.

What will we be learning? 


Literacy, Languages and Communication: 

During this term we will develop our literacy skills through daily reading and phonics sessions. We are developing our skills in segmenting and blending to read.



In Welsh we will be exploring new vocabulary based on the central question ‘Beth sy’n bod?’ We will engage in role play as doctors inspired by the text Y Meddyg.


In Spanish we will be investigating the story La Oruga Muy Hambirenta. Es muy bien.


Mathematics and Numeracy:

We deliver maths through the Maths No Problem scheme where we explore all concepts through concrete, pictorial and then abstract. We are problem solving and learning: 

  • pattern
  • number bonds up to 10 
  • measuring using non-standard units 
  • beginning to measure with a ruler 
  • number formation
  • addition and subtraction 
  • 2D and 3D shape
También podemos contar hasta 20 en español.


Inquiry-Based Learning 

'We are Imagineers' 

This inquiry has an Expressive Arts focus. We will be exploring how our environment influences our imagination to create new products. We will learn new artistic techniques, explore local nature spaces and take inspiration from the world around us in our artistic pursuits. We hope to invite our families in for an art showcase at the end of term.



