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Reception / Derbyn

Welcome to Reception Class! 


Croeso i dosbarth derbyn!

Gyda Miss Thomas, Mr Stephens and Mrs Smith



Key Information 


Attendance and Punctuality
It is very important to attend school every day. If your child is going to be absent please inform the office ASAP. School starts at 8:55am and finishes as 3:00pm.


Pick up and Drop off
Our door will be open from 8:45am and children can be dropped off from then.

If a friend or family member is going to be collecting your child please inform the office or class teacher.


Uniform and Clothing
Please wear school uniform every day. You can purchase Stacey Primary branded uniform from the office or from Brigade:


PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays, please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on these days. Your child will need: a t-shirt, jumper, shorts or joggers, sock and trainers / plimsolls. 


We ask for a contribution of £1 every Monday for a healthy snack option for your child. 


Homework will be set on a Thursday via the SeeSaw App. Please complete and upload by the following Tuesday.

What will we be learning? 


Literacy, Languages and Communication: 

We are so impressed with the amazing progress made in this area last term. We will be continuing to embed Phase 2 sounds and some children will move on to Phase 3. We are also learning to read and write high frequency words. 

We prioritise developing oracy skills across the school and are working to extend our sentences. 

Our Welsh topics are: Y Tywydd a Siap a Lliwiau 

Our Spanish topics are: Music and Shapes






Mathematics and Numeracy:

We deliver maths through the Maths No Problem scheme where we explore all concepts through concrete, pictorial and then abstract. We are problem solving and learning: 

  • Counting on
  • More and less
  • Doubling and halving
  • Even and odd numbers
  • Mass and capacity
  • Money
  • Interpreting graphs
  • 2D shapes
  • Drawing routes


Inquiry-Based Learning 

'We are Engineers'

Our local area is made up of a variety of different spaces and places that serve different purposes.


