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Class 2 / Dosbarth 2

Croeso i Dosbarth Dau! 
Gyda Miss Moger & Mrs P





Mathematics and Numeracy: 

We follow 'Maths No Problem' where pupils will be using their problem solving skills throughout every session. Pupils will work collaboratively to discuss and explore various methods, share their ideas and solve maths problems. This term will be focusing on addition and subtraction. Pupils will also use their mathematical knowledge across all Areas of Learning and in different contexts to become ambitious capable learners. 


Languages, Literacy and Communication: 


LLC lessons run through our inquiry where we will be practising different genres of writing such as fiction, non-fiction and letter writing. 
Oracy remains a focus and we will continue to use our sentence stems daily to communicate effectively with our peers and become confident, capable individuals. 
We do daily Helpwr Heddiw sessions alongside a weekly 45 minute lesson – we will be focusing on body parts and how we are feeling. In Spanish our focus will also be body parts. 




Here are two sentence patterns you can use linked to our topic: 


Beth sy’n bod?                       What's the matter? 

Mae ____ tost gyda fi.          My _______ hurts. 



Sut wyt ti?                             How are you?

Dw i'n_______                      I am__________




Inquiry Based Learning: 

Our inquiry this term is through Expressive Arts and is called 'This is Me!'. The concepts of the inquiry will be emotions, identity and belonging. 



Homework & Online Learning

Homework will be set weekly on Google Classroom on Thursdays to be returned the following Tuesday for marking. Please let us know if you need support logging in! 


Other online tools you may want to use at home are:

  • Giglets – an online reading tool -
  • DuoLingo – Online language learning tool. -


For Your Information:


Please pay termly for snack - At the beginning of each term a letter will be sent out with the amount needed to be paid. We will provide a choice of fruit or vegetable every day. Send your child to school with a reusable water bottle. 


Packed Lunches 

Please ensure packed lunches are healthy. We are a nut free school so please do not pack any form of nuts (including nut spreads like Nutella). 



PE : Tuesday and Friday. Please provide a PE kit that will be returned at the end of the term. This should include a t-shirt, joggers/leggings and trainers. 
Outdoor Learning: Outdoor learning is an important part of our learning. We will be going outside to learn daily, please ensure your child is dress appropriately for outdoor learning. For example, a warm waterproof coat, sensible shoes, tights if wearing skirt / dress and gloves and hats when the weather is colder. 




Keep up to date with what we have been up to by following us on Twitter @Staceyprimary






How to use Google Classroom

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