Croeso i Dosbarth Chwech
gyda Mrs Giles, Miss Reis & Mrs Sabahath !
Gwanwyn Term 2024
Please send a re-usable bottle to school so pupils can have access to water.
Fruit Snack is available for £1 a week - please pay a week in advance.
Homework will be set through our Google Classroom every Thursday.
Year 6 is a very important school year, please encourage your children to access Hwb online to carry out their homework, and to use Giglets for reading. This year all the pupils will be taking part in transition lessons and will be visited by local high schools.
Mrs Giles
Don’t forget to follow our twitter page @StaceyPrimary for in class photos and updates! 😊
Here are three sentences linked to our Welsh topic that you can practice at home:
Beth wyt ti eisiau wneud? What do you want to do?
Dw i'n mynd i'r... I'm going to..
Ble rwyt ti'n mynd? Where are you going?