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Nursery / Meithrin

Hello and welcome to all Nursery pupils and parents!/ Helo a chroeso i ddysgyblion a rhieni Meithrin!




Hello and welcome to a brand new Summer Term! It has been so lovely to see all our pupils this week and welcome our new little ones into their first term at our Nursery. As always we aim to make the transition into school as smooth as possible so please do contact us if you have any questions. Below you will find lots of valuable information about our routines at Nursery.

 From Mrs Davies, Mrs Hamer and the Nursery Team yes smiley


Please click on the link below to see a tour of our Nursery setting.

Stacey tour video.MP4

Still image for this video

Our Inquiry-Based Learning

This term our Inquiry is 'We are Engineers' We will be exploring the skills of block play, the story of 'The Three Little Pigs' as well as planning in the moment to ensure children's interests are included.










Autumn Place mat- We are Special

Summer Placemat- We are Engineers

Here are some things to remember

  • We will be spending as much time outside as possible, so please can you ensure your child comes to school with appropriate warm/ rainproof clothing and wellies in a labelled bag. As we head into the Summer months it is vitally importany that children have sun lotion applied before Nursery, and have a suitable sun hat in school..
  • We are now providing a healthy snack for our pupils. Please can you bring £1 every Monday to contribute to this. Or you are more than welcome to pay for the term if required. This term is a 7 week term so the total for snack is £7.
  • We post lots of updates and pictures on our Twitter page so follow us on @staceyprimary to have a little taster of our fun filled, busy days!
  • We post daily updates of all our wonderful children's skills, achievements and experiences on Seesaw. Log in by downloading the free Seesaw app and please feel comment on your child's posts :)
  • As already said, we spend lots of time outside. Our children love to explore our mud kitchen and water areas especially so please keep best clothes at home and send your child into school in clothes that can get wet/ dirty etc. Please ensure your child has spare clothes.

In Nursery we love to sing and dance, especially to songs in Welsh. This helps us to learn new Welsh vocabulary and simple sentences. Below is a little taster of some of favourites- Enjoy/ Mwynhewch!

Below are some tools to support your children in their further learning. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Davies and the Nursery Teamyesheart
