Croeso i Dosbarth Pedwar!
Miss Christopher, Mrs Begum & Ms Pike
Welcome back, I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas break and I am looking forward to working with Year 4 for an exciting and busy term.
Here are some of the things that we will be learning about this term:
Humanities Inquiry: Farm to Fork
Learner will be exploring the journey of farm to fork. Learners will investigate and research where food comes from, how food is grown, and ultimately how food gets to us. During the inquiry, learners will have the opportunity to plant, grow and make their own food. Inquiry based learning is embedded throughout all the areas of learning including; Literacy, Maths, Science and Technology, Humanities, Expressive Arts and Healthy and Well-being. Numeracy and digital skills are also taught through inquiry.
Welsh/ Cymraeg: The party/ Y parti
Spanish/ Sbaenaidd: Food/Alimento
PE/Addysg Gorfforol: PE is every Tuesday/Dydd Mawrth and Thursday/Dydd Iau.
PE kit should be brought into school in a bag labelled with your child’s name and will be returned at half term. Please pack PE clothes for both indoor and outdoor lessons.
Things to remember:
SCHOOP: We are now a paperless school, please download the SCHOOP app if you haven’t already and ensure you are signed up to Year 4.
The school code is 4542.
Lunch: Please ensure packed lunches are healthy and contain no nuts, as we are a nut free school. If your child is having school dinners, this needs to be ordered at home through Parent Pay before the start of school or it can be booked for the whole week on the weekend.
Snack: Children may bring in £1 every week for healthy snack. Please bring a water bottle to school every day.
Homework: Will be set through Google Classroom every Thursday/Dydd Iau and will need to be returned by Tuesday/ Dydd Mawrth.
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram: to see what we get up to in class!
All the best,
Miss Christopher
Here are three Welsh sentences patterns to practise at home:
Ble mae/ mae’r ... ? Where is / is the ... ?
Wyt ti eisiau …? Do you want …?
Dw i eisiau … I want …
Dw i ddim eisiau … I don’t want …
Sut mae’r tywydd? How is the weather?
Mae hi’n … It is …
Expressive Arts: Powerful Painters