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Class 1 / Dosbarth 1

Croeso i Dosbarth Un

Welcome to Year One


Miss Irwin & Miss Hamer 
Mrs Imran - Miss Summers - Mrs R 


Please make sure you arrive at school on time everyday.  

School starts at 8.55am and finishes at 3:00pm





Please bring £1 every Monday for snack and a reusable bottle of water each day.






Please ensure packed lunches are healthy. No crisps, chocolate or fizzy drinks please! 

If your child is having school dinners, please ensure this has been ordered via ParentPay the day before. You can order weekly if you prefer.




Language, Literacy and



We are continuing to focus on phonics, letter formation and sentence writing in order to improve our reading and writing skills.


We will be working towards writing a non chronological report about frogs! 

We are going to be exploring the many features of a non-fiction text such as headings, sub headings, captions and diagrams. 


Have you got any non-fiction books at home to read? 



Mathematics & Numeracy


We are now teaching maths using the Singapore maths approach. This will continue to support the children in their basic skills with a heavy focus on problem solving and reasoning. If you would like any further information, please ask!


Through our Inquiry we will be looking at data collection and maps. 


Inquiry Based Learning


This term our inquiry is ‘Ponds, Predators and Prey’. This will mainly focus Science and Technology and Language, Literacy and communication. 


We are trying our best to get hold of some tadpoles! if you have any or know anyone willing to donate some - please let us know! 


Important days:

Homework is set every Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday. 


Reading books are sent out on Fridays and should be returned on Mondays. 


PE is on a Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school.


Remember to follow us on our Twitter page: @staceyprimary 

and see what we have been doing in class.



Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites.

Maths & Numeracy Inquiry - Autumn 2023

Humanities Inquiry - Spring 2024

Language, Literacy & Communication Inquiry - Spring 2024

Science & Technology Inquiry - Summer 2024

Computation Inquiry - Summer 2024
