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E-Safety and Digital Leaders



It is vital that children remain safe and secure while using Information Technology. E-Safety is a major focus; not only within our pupils' ICT lessons, but right across the curriculum. 

We teach our pupils how to use technology safely and responsibly - both within, and outside of school.  Since pupils have increasing access to IT beyond school (computers, mobile phones, tablets etc), it is vital that they do use these safely.  There are several very good websites that address safe and responsible use of technology. 


We have included links to very useful websites, please take a look at them:

Our Digital Leaders


We have 12 digital leaders in school, from Year 4, 5 and 6.


Our Digital Leaders support staff and pupils during digital lessons, create video tutorials and presentations and help maintain and organise digital equipment. 



They also lead assemblies, such as during Safer Internet Week. 


The Digital Leaders also take part in Looking for Learning Walks, talking to pupils about their digital learning and audit IT areas in classrooms. 
