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Class 5 / Dosbarth 5

Summer Term/ Tymor yr Haf

Class 5/Dosbarth 5



Croeso i Dosbarth Pump gyda Miss Parsons a Mr Clarke!


Hello everyone and welcome to the Summer Term!  I hope that everyone has had a wonderful Easter break. 


Here is a snapshot of what we will be covering this term:


Maths & Numeracy: Daily Maths lessons covering  - place value, time, methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, decimals, fractions & angles. These will be taught through a problem solving/reasoning approach.


Inquiry: Science & Technology - Energy for Movement & Play


Welsh/Cymraeg: Amser/Time


Spanish/Espanol: El Grúfalo/The Gruffalo

Jigsaw: Relationships


PE: Netball Skills


Important Information:


PE: PE will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Children will need to bring PE kits with them to school on Monday and these will then stay in school until half term. Please ensure that the PE kit is clearly labelled and appropriate for school/physical activity.


Lunch: If children are having school dinners, this needs to be ordered at home through parent pay before school starts.


Homework: Homework is released on Google Classroom every Thursday/Dydd Iau and should be completed by Tuesday/Dydd Mawrth.


Fruit: Children will need to bring their own water bottle. £1 to be paid every Friday for fruit. Children can then access snack throughout the day in the classroom. 


Don’t forget to keep an eye on our Twitter page @staceyprimary to see what we get up to in class!


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Miss Parsons


Here is a sneak peek at what we have been learning about this year!

Science & Technology

Languages, Literacy & Communication: The Tempest


Maths & Numeracy

Expressive Arts
