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School Attendance Facts


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Important Attendance and Punctuality Facts

95% Attendance equals 10 days absent and 50 lessons missed.

85% Attendance equals 30 days absent and 150 lessons missed.

5 minutes late per day during the school year equals 3.7 teaching days lost and 18 lessons missed.

10 minutes late per day during the school year equals 7.4 teaching days lost and 37 lessons missed.

15 minutes late per day during the school year equals 10 teaching days lost and 50 lessons missed.

You can help by:

  • ensuring your child attends school every day and arrives punctually in order to make the most of the education offered.
  • avoiding medical appointments in school time.
  • avoiding taking holidays in school time.
  • sending your child to school every day except when he/she is too ill to attend.
  • ensuring your child catches up on missed work if absence is unavoidable.


At Stacey Primary School we believe that regular attendance is important to ensure the best possible outcomes for all our children.

  • Regular attendance means that your child can make the most of their education, improving their chances in adult life.
  • Being in school will also help your child's social skills, such as making and keeping friendships.


We celebrate high level of attendance across the school, classes and for individuals. We are proud of our excellent attendance records and we thank you for your co-operation and help.

We feel the whole school community takes responsibility for attendance. But especially you as parents/carers are responsible for ensuring that your child:

  • attends school every day
  • arrives in the playground on time


If your child is absent please inform the school of the reason by personal contact, telephone call or email: 02920 499508,  schooladmin@staceyprm.cardiff.sch.


It is very important that your child arrive on time for school. School starts at 8.55 and finishes at 3pm. If your child is late 3 or more times in 2 weeks you will be sent a letter home explaining the consequences.


Anyone can miss 20 minutes a week right? But did you know that missing 20 minutes of school every week adds up to over 11 hours or nearly 3 whole days worth of lessons over the year!


Please remember we can only teach your child if they are in school missing precious minutes means your child is missing out on learning when their friends are not. 

If you are finding it difficult to get your child to school on time, why not meet with our School Attendance Officer. Mrs Gyurovicsova, for advice/help.


Anyone arriving after 5 min after their starting time will be considered late and must come through the main entrance. If your child arrives after 30 min after their starting time the registers will be closed and this will be counted as an unauthorised absence. 

 Late pick up from schools


Arriving late to collect your child from school can be extremely distressing for them.


You are expected to collect your child promptly at the end of the school day. We understand there may be occasions when you may be late arriving due to traffic etc… in these circumstances, please contact the school office immediately on 02920499508 so we can let your child know and make appropriate arrangements.


If you are regularly late for the school pick up then we will have to address this issue with you.


In the first instance we will discuss this with you and endeavour to support you if you are experiencing any difficulties. If this continues we will issue you with a warning letter outlining that regular late picks up will have a negative impact upon your child’s emotional wellbeing and if it continues then school will have to follow Local Authority Child Protection Procedures.


Please help us to improve our school's attendance and the success of all your children. 


